Well, we have been home just over a week, and we are surviving. The phrase "You don't have to be crazy but it helps" runs through my mind frequently though! Nick was off from work last week, but returned to his normal schedule today. Luckily, normal means he is home by 5:30 everyday!
Daddy with his girls
Adeline continues to change and grow right before our eyes. She is really starting to get chubby cheeks and a double chin. She still has those chicken legs though! Tomorrow we go for a check up, so we'll see how much weight she has gained. At the beginning of last week, we weren't getting much sleep. Actually, she was getting sleep, but we weren't. She is a content, easy baby so far, but really likes to be cuddled at night. She'll happily sleep all day in her bassinet, but until Saturday, she wanted nothing to do with it at night time. The last two nights have been better, and I am starting to feel human again.
We've made a few outings uneventfully too! Thursday we went to pick up some essentials at Target, and she was so good that we stayed out to have lunch at Panera Bread too. Saturday we received more snow than we have the rest of the winter combined, so we laid low until Sunday when it warmed up enough for us to go out to church. Today, I even ventured out myself with both girls to Walmart to pick up some birthday supplies for Sophie who turns two tomorrow!
Now for the crazy part. Last week we showed our house three times! For those of you who have never had your house on the market, this means that you live very, very clean. Then you get a call that someone wants to see your house. Sometimes they call the night before, but twice we've had just an hours notice. At this point, we all run around like crazy, cleaning even more. Then all 5 of us, plus our 100 pound dog hop into the car and drive around for an hour. It's great fun...... Luckily, Nick and I have the home staging thing down to a science. The hardest part is keeping the kids busy, and not letting them make more messes while we clean. This is especially tricky for Sophie who always wants to help. She has zero interest in the tv, so we try to give her a chore to keep her busy. Hopefully, someone will want to make an offer soon!
Sophie has learned a few tricks this past week too. When she wants to see the baby, she goes into the bathroom and gets the stool so she can look into the bassinet. She also now fetches the stool to help me put clothes into the washer. The trick that isn't so great is that she has learned to open doors. Now, all of those clean and protected rooms are no longer Sophie proof. She loves to go into Ben's room since it's a virtual treasure trove of toys. Now, nothing is safe.... Help me!
As crazy as our week has been, we are so blessed to have Adeline as part of our family. Nick and I are so thankful for our three beautiful and healthy children. I haven't been the greatest about taking pictures this week, but I promise more to come soon!