Not much has been happening here at the Cook Household. Nick has a new boss, so he is once again the Aide de Camp (General's Aide). He was not supposed to be in this position since we have orders to move, however, Fort Riley has failed to hire an aide to replace Nick yet. So, Nick is working really long hours and we don't see him much. He has spent the last several days in Washington D.C. with the General. We miss him terribly, but the upside is that he was able to scout out some neighborhoods to narrow our house search. He's coming home tonight, and the kids are really excited to have their Daddy back.

Benny has been an especially good helper lately. He often holds Adeline for me in the morning. This gives me a chance to do some dishes or feed Sophie her breakfast without having to put Addie in her bed or baby bouncer. She loves the attention, and Ben is so cute with her.

The house showings have seemed to slow down now that spring break time is over. I'm relieved that I don't have to keep loading the kids and dog into the car and finding someplace to entertain everyone for an hour. But, I'm starting to get a little nervous that we haven't sold it yet. It's only been six weeks, but we need to leave here by the first week of June. Our real estate agent is really optimistic though, so we are keeping our hopes up for now.
Adeline is growing like a weed. She sleeps and eats lots and is generally a very content baby. During an awake period the other day she was making the sweetest faces. She and I were snuggling on the couch, so I decided to grab my camera and take some photos of her. I'm finding it really hard to take many photos these days. Something is always going on here at home. But here are a few new ones.... Enjoy!
We still can't decide what color her eyes are. Benny's were blue from the start, and Sophie's were dark brown from day one. Adeline's seem to change by the day or the light. Just when we are convinced that they are a lighter shade of brown, there will be a day when they look really blue. I guess time will tell.
Benny has been an especially good helper lately. He often holds Adeline for me in the morning. This gives me a chance to do some dishes or feed Sophie her breakfast without having to put Addie in her bed or baby bouncer. She loves the attention, and Ben is so cute with her.
Sophie does ok with Adeline. I have to really watch her because she is constantly poking at Addie. She tries to give Addie her baby doll bottles. Sometimes she covers with blankets or gives her a rattle. Her intentions are good, but it still makes me nervous. Lately she is fascinated with Addie's mouth, especially when Addie has a pacifier. Sophie is constantly pulling it out and then exclaims "Uh oh, Baby's mouth, Baby's crying". More often than not, Sophie is playing with her baby dolls and mimics what I do. The other day I walked into the family room and found her holding her baby on the Boppy pillow. It was so sweet.
More sweet moments to come!