Occasionally she wears one of Sophie's 'pretty's' in her hair. She leaves them in much better than her older sister!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sweet Addie
Occasionally she wears one of Sophie's 'pretty's' in her hair. She leaves them in much better than her older sister!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Soccer Saturdays!
Back to Soccer-Ben loves it! He practices on Wednesday night, and then has a game every Saturday morning. He was super excited when the coach pulled out jerseys and matching socks for all the players. We had no idea he would be issued a uniform. The kids decided to name their team the 'Blue Marlins'-of course at Benny's suggestion! The other mothers were laughing at the name, joking that the kids had no idea what a marlin was, so surely the coach suggested the name. I new immediately that it had to be the brain child of Ben. He had just been to a Washington Nationals game, and they played the Florida Marlins. When we were in the car I asked Ben if it was his idea, and yes, of course it was! Such a funny boy!
Two Saturdays ago, the Blue Marlins had their first game. They play 3 on 3 with two simultaneous games going on. The team has ten players so this means that only 4 children sit out at a time. 3 on 3 is more manageable for the players since they all chase the ball at once! This Saturdays game showed a remarkable improvement over last Saturdays. The basics of soccer are finally starting to click.
Here are the Blue Marlins chasing the ball towards the goal. It's doubtful that it went in, they have lots of room to grow!
Benny loves his Blue Marlins jersey and proudly poses for a picture before the game!
And finally, here are the Blue Marlins lining up to shake hands after the game. It's so fun to watch these boys. They are having a blast chasing the soccer ball around and learning the basics of soccer. Benny spent most of the first game cheering on his teammates. The only problem was that Benny was on the field too! It was incredibly sweet, but he wasn't paying attention to the game. The other team seemed a little bit more together than ours. They don't keep score at this age, but Benny is sure they lost the game. Now he's motivated to improve his skills!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
First Day of School
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Spectacular Six!
He started his birthday morning with some present opening. It was torturous for him to wait for Sophie to wake up. She chose his birthday of all days to sleep in! But, she really needed the sleep, so we did not dare wake her. The instant we heard her upstairs, Benny was ready to tear into his gifts!
He received some great presents and has really enjoyed playing with them all. He had presents for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and parents waiting for him. This year he is really into GI Joe's and LEGOs. He has spent every waking hour playing with them.
When given the choice what Benny wanted to do for his Birthday dinner, his request was simple. He wanted to order pizza at the pool! We were thankful to have Ben's new friend Delaney and her family join us. Unfortunately, our few friends that we have here were out of town. But, we still had a spectacular time. The water was a little chilly, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. After about an hour of swimming, we took a break and enjoyed pizza and chocolate cupcakes. By the time we were finished celebrating, it was too cold to get back into the pool. Instead, we moved the party to the playground for a bit.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fun at the beach!
On the way, we made a stop at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg. They offer free tickets to military families, and we had to drive right by to get to Virginia Beach, so we made a free day of it! We arrived a little before lunchtime and stayed to close down the park at 9. We had a fun, fun day in the hot, hot sun. The temp was in the high 90s, but we managed to find some relief from the heat throughout the park. One of our favorite places to do that was the German Fest Hall. It was surprisingly accurate (we do know our German fests!) and one of the coolest places in the park. Sophie loved the polka music and danced and danced. Sophie, Addie and I did a good bit of hanging out there while the boys rode some rides.
We were surprised at how much the kids loved the rides. Ben could ride on most everything in the park, and Sophie did her fair share of rides too. Ben wanted to ride a big roller coaster at the end of the evening, but thankfully we talked him out of it since we didn't want to stand in the long line. He did ride the log ride with Nick though and came and gave me a big, wet hug when he was done! Our excursion to the park was exhausting but tons of fun. Nick and I couldn't wait to get to the hotel and get everyone into the shower and then into bed.
The next morning we headed another hour down the road to Virginia Beach. The kids were thrilled to see the ocean, and even more excited when they discovered our hotel was right on the beach! Our trip was hastily planned, and we really weren't prepared to have Addie at the beach. We did however manage to sneak in some play time at the beach after breakfast each day before it was too crowded and hot. The weather was still in the high 90s and the water was frequently off limits for swimming due to the strong rip tide. Both the kids loved digging in the sand and made sand castles decorated with the beach treasures they had found. We have also discovered when you have small children, sand gets absolutely everywhere. We are still finding it in the stroller and in Addie's car seat!
After dinner the first night, we headed out for ice cream and a walk on the beach. It wasn't nearly as hot, and we finally didn't have to worry about too much sun exposure for the kids. A nice lady offered to take a family photo for us. It is one of only a handful that exist, AND no one is screaming!
Sophie tried to make her own version of a sand castle!