Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What a mess!

Eating has been a messy affair for us lately, with Sophie eating more finger foods. Who needs hair gel when you can style your hair using sticky banana covered fingers! Does anyone have advise on what to do for a baby girls hair that is too short for pigtails, but just won't lay down? She frequently wakes up looking this way (well, not this bad but close).

She has also discovered that the green bins in her room contain toys! She loves to dump them all out and sift through her stuffed animals, rattles and blocks. She can also reach the third shelf of her bookcase which has her non-board books on it. I didn't think she could do that yet! She made this mess in the time it took me to put her laundry away. I think I may be in trouble.....

Nothing Sweeter

There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby. I tried to take Sophie's picture in this cute little outfit before church, but she just wouldn't hold still. I decided to capture the moment while she was asleep......

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Alright, I think I was tagged by Kristen (is there another Sarah??) I'm happy, because you can Copy and Paste into Blogger, so I just have to change the answers. Here goes...

1. Were you named after anyone? Not that I know of, but two of the mother's from my mom's Lamaze group named their next children Sarah Elizabeth.
2. When was the last time you cried? When Nick went back to Iraq from R&R in October. The tears seemed to have run out....
3. Do you like your handwriting? I used to, but now it's all messy.
4. What is your favourite lunch meat? Not a huge fan of lunchmeat, unless there are lots of yummy toppings to cover it up.
5. Do you have kids?Benny who's 4,and Sophie who is 10 months
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you? I'd like to think so.
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I used to use it more, but Benny doesn't get it.
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes, but I don't have my gallbladder.
9. Would you bungee jump? No way! I tried parasailing and I ended up floating in the Gulf (boat ran out of gas!)
10. What is your favourite cereal? Kashi Go Lean Crunch and Kashi Heart to Heart
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?Yes, if they have laces.
12. Do you think you are strong? I get by....
13. What is your favourite ice cream? Anything chocolate, but I gave it up for Lent.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? If they look friendly.
15. Red or pink? Red, but I do love those pink baby clothes!
16. What is the thing that you like least about yourself? Not outgoing enough.
17. Who do you miss the most? Well, Nick of course, but I miss Kristen so much too!
19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Khakis, no shoes.
20. Have you ever re-gifted? Yup and felt guilty about it.
21. What are you listening to right now? The washing mashine.
22. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Light yellow
23. Favorite smells? Chanel No 5, my Great Aunt always wore it, and now my mom does, oh and coffee.
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mother in law
25. Do you like the person who sent this to you? She's one of my favorite people.
26. Favorite sports to watch? Baseball, but only in person.
30. Favorite food? Chocolate
31. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.
32. Last movie you watched? Toy Story with Benny last night.
33. What color shirt are you wearing? Light Blue
34. Summer or winter? I like the in betweens.
35. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
36. Favorite dessert? Ice cream or chocolate (notice a theme?)
37. What book are you reading now? Women of Grace. I read the Kite Runner in the fall-not much time to read.
38. What is on your mousepad? Don't have one!
39. What did you watch on tv last night? I watched the news for the weather report (3 more inches of snow).
40. Favorite sound? A baby laughing, Nick on the phone.
41. Rolling stones or Beatles? Beatles
42. What is the furthest you have been from home? Kracow, Poland
43. Do you have a special talent? Not that I can think of.
44. Where were you born? Lansing, Michigan

I tag Julie if she has the time!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Playing with Pa

Nick's parents were here for a visit this weekend! Although, I am not sure that we did much visiting. We had so many projects for 'Little Pa'. Benny was not happy that I had so many things on my honey do list. Since my honey is gone, the list was passed on to Little Pa. The biggest project was installing bi-fold closet doors in our basement bedroom. It was the last of our basement projects, and now it is finally complete! Mike also hung curtain rods and shelves, and shortened all of our blinds. We still do not know if we will be moving this summer, so I am trying to get the house in tip-top shape in case it needs to go on the market.

Sophie spent most of the weekend with a little fever. I think the cause may be all of those teeth she is cutting. So, Oma and I took care of Sophie. We also found time to iron and hang new curtains, and move around furniture. It reminded me of that show on HGTV where they decorate your house using things you already have.

Benny and Pa finally had some serious playtime on Monday. They built a Matchbox racetrack, and played Star Wars (I think Ben was Chewbaka). Here they are in Ben's igloo tent! Thanks Oma and Little Pa for a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

She Walking (with a little help)!

Tonight we were in the basement getting it ready for Nick's parents who are coming for the weekend. I went into our storage room and spotted a great new toy for Sophie-a walk behind hippo. Now, Sophie isn't walking yet, but she cruises around everything and will take some steps while holding your hand. I thought we should try it out. She started walking behind it immediately! Now, this video doesn't show the best of her skills, but I thought it was one of the cutest I took because Ben is cheering her on. I think that we will be spending more time in the basement playroom, now that she has a new talent! Sorry it is sideways, I'm still learning!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The many faces of Ben

There hasn't been much going on at our house that is blogworthy lately, so I thought I would bring up some old pictures. Benny loves to play dress up. Anyone who has visited us in the last year knows we have a huge basket of dress up clothes, and that he wears them everyday! After he comes up with his costume, then he roll plays. He has several imaginary friends. I was worried at first, but now I find it hysterical. He ranges from pirate (an all time favorite) to cowboy to policeman to knight to viking. Sometimes he mixes them up and comes up with some very creative characters! He also uses props from the kitchen to complete his looks-he loves the collander to use as a space helmet, and he uses wooden spoons for arrows. When the cold Kansas weather keeps us inside, he always finds something to do! I still can't figure out captions or how to arrange the pictures so bear with me. From top to bottom: Soldier Ben, Ben in Jack Sparrow wig (scary if you ask me), Ben in Indian costume (it was my uncle's who wore it 40+ years ago), Viking Ben (with mallet from 'Whack a Mole') and Rock Star Ben (although he looks like the Uni-Bomber to me)! These are some of his noteworthy costumes, but there have been so many more!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sophie has learned to give kisses, and she gives them very freely. She has even tried to kiss the dog! We have a heavily laminated 8x10 headshot of Nick on our wedding day that we keep on our fridge. Ben played with it last time Nick was deployed, and now Sophie does. I put it down on her level so she can see him. The other day, I caught her giving Daddy kisses! I took this video of her kissing and staring at her Daddy. She is even trying to make the "mmmhh" sound when she kisses him. It melts my heart the way she the way she studies his face and then kisses him. She should have no trouble recognizing him when he comes home in a few months!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Enjoying the view

Sophie loves to explore, and she loves to explore in the kitchen. I feel like I spend most of the day chasing her down. One of her favorite activities is trying to make it to Smokey's water to splash! It's great fun. When she sees me coming, she turns on turbo speed in hoping of making is there before I reach her. In the last few days she has discovered the door to the deck. She likes to stand there and look outside. As you may have noticed, she is bare bottomed. We are battling a very resistant diaper rash, and I finally took the nurses advise and let her go naked. It wasn't pretty people, but it could have been much worse. I am not sure if this photo is against blogging ettiquite, but I thought it was cute!