Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The many faces of Ben

There hasn't been much going on at our house that is blogworthy lately, so I thought I would bring up some old pictures. Benny loves to play dress up. Anyone who has visited us in the last year knows we have a huge basket of dress up clothes, and that he wears them everyday! After he comes up with his costume, then he roll plays. He has several imaginary friends. I was worried at first, but now I find it hysterical. He ranges from pirate (an all time favorite) to cowboy to policeman to knight to viking. Sometimes he mixes them up and comes up with some very creative characters! He also uses props from the kitchen to complete his looks-he loves the collander to use as a space helmet, and he uses wooden spoons for arrows. When the cold Kansas weather keeps us inside, he always finds something to do! I still can't figure out captions or how to arrange the pictures so bear with me. From top to bottom: Soldier Ben, Ben in Jack Sparrow wig (scary if you ask me), Ben in Indian costume (it was my uncle's who wore it 40+ years ago), Viking Ben (with mallet from 'Whack a Mole') and Rock Star Ben (although he looks like the Uni-Bomber to me)! These are some of his noteworthy costumes, but there have been so many more!

1 comment:

The Murray Family said...

Oh my God, so cute!!!! It was hilarious to watch him play when we were there in the summer....especially when he got Brian involved. I love that you got some old pics out...very good blog material if you don't really have anything new...I'll have to remember that.