Benny is having a more difficult time. He has been really clinging to me and won't let Nick help him do anything. I still have to do the bath, read the stories and put him to bed. I know it makes Nick really sad, so I hope it changes soon! I have been trying to give the two of them some space so Ben has no choice but to let his dad help. We'll see......
Sophie continues to amaze her daddy with all of her tricks. She is one busy girl! Ben was such an easy baby/toddler, and Sophie is proving to be much more of a challenge. Our apartment in Germany was small and easily baby proofed for Ben. Baby-proofing a house is much more difficult. Just when I think I have it all taken care of, Sophie finds something else for me to fix. We have had an ongoing struggle(for me) and love affair (for Sophie) of Smokey's water bowl. Just when I think her affections are changing, she goes back to the bowl. Lately, we have been playing the 'will it sink or will it float game', and just plain splashing is always a favorite. She knows it is naughty, because she usually tottles over by the bowl and waits until she has our attention. Once she does, she dives (I really mean it!) into the bowl. She giggles and giggles. The other day I thought it was funny when she decided to try the food bowl out as a little seat! Just this morning I picked up some Cheerios from Sophie's breakfast off the floor and tossed them in Smokey's bowl for him. A little while later while doing dishes, I looked backed and guess who was eating them? No, not Smokey, Sophie! Yuck! After lunch today, we went into the family room to play. Sophie picked up a toy and tottled back into the kitchen. I started to get up and follow her when I heard an unusually large splash. I figured she had dumped the toy into the very full bowl, but to my surprise, Sophie was sitting in the water bowl! Luckily, she was stuck (probably that super absorbent diaper sucking up the water and holding her in!), so I grabbed the camera and snapped a few pictures!
I know you are thinking, 'Just move the bowl!', but I have no idea where else to put it!
that is one of the most hilarious pictures i have ever seen!!!
Hilarious! I have found sometimes that it is soooo hard not to laugh at Ian when he is doing things that are bad but are really funny at the same time. Amazingly he doesn't mess with the cat's dishes but they are obviously smaller than a dog's and are kind of tucked away in a corner...I know with your kitchen set-up there's not really any other place to put Smokey's dishes. I guess you just hope the fascination with them passes....but in the meantime pictures like this are awesome!
That's hysterical! Sophie sounds a lot like my girls -- busy and happy to be in trouble!
I'm praying for Benny and his transition... and for Nick, too. I know how it sad it makes Jim when Kathleen's just cranky and won't let him put her to bed or read to her, so I can only imagine how hard it is on Nick. Deployments are hard on everyone! Hang in there!
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