So, I set out to make Sophie a Dorothy costume. Yes, I said make! I have only sewed burp cloths and goody bags for the single soldiers, so my experience is very limited. I have never attempted clothing of any sort. I went and picked out the fabric, and the most simple pattern I could find. I procrastinated for weeks, talked it over lots with my mom, and eventually bit the bullet and put it together. I had a few slip ups, but it really did turn out cute. I have plans to make her a polka dot dress out of the same pattern soon. It was really hard to get her to sit still for a picture, and as usual, the overpowering sun washed out most of the pictures. She would only leave the bow in just long enough for us to take a photo. She has a cute little dog that went as Toto, and she carried one of those famous Poland baskets! Oh, and of course she had ruby red slippers (which she loved!)!
Nick was able to meet us there on his way home from work. I was grateful to have the extra set of hands to help. Eventually, the crowds were just too much for us, and we headed home to carve pumpkins.
He's all ready to go!
We tried and tried to get a picture of all three kids, but we couldn't get the older two to calm down and Sophie just didn't want to cooperate. She wanted to put all of our candy into her basket. She had recently discovered the stash by the front door and was very intrigued by it. After some tears by Sophie, we were able to get away from the basket and make our way down the street.

She's off to see the Wizard!
This Halloween was really fun, because Benny finally fully understood the process. He said Trick or Treat and thank you at every house, and didn't fuss when people put candy he didn't want into his basket. Sophie mostly observed, but did walk up to a few neighbors houses. Her fun came later when she handed out candy with Daddy at home. She delighted in all the kids in their costumes and loved putting candy into their baskets. She threw another fit when Nick tried to take them inside. She wanted to sit on the porch and watch and wait for the trick or treaters. She was also very intrigued with the jack-o-lanterns we had carved the night before. She even learned a new word-hot!
Sophie was thrilled to see us when we came home and was ready to dig through Ben's candy. She even helped herself to a sucker!
She's off to see the Wizard!
Sophie was thrilled to see us when we came home and was ready to dig through Ben's candy. She even helped herself to a sucker!
I love those two sooo much, I can't wait to see you. Darling outfit Sarah.........Oma
Your family looks so cute! And it looks like you had lots of fun, too.
And congratulations on making Sophie's costume... You did a great job and I can't wait to see what else you sew. That's the way sewing always is for me, at least - it starts off intimidating and then becomes addicting!
That's so funny about Benny insisting on being a Clone Trooper. My mom and I were just talking about how when they're too little to get it you have to dress them up as all the cute, cheesy stuff because when they get older they'll refuse to be what you want them to be. Haha!! Looks like you had a lot of fun. Can't wait to see you in a few days!!
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