Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Thursday evening Ben graduated from preschool! It was a bittersweet time. It's hard to believe that he is about to start kindergarten. He started at St. Xavier preschool when he was just three years old. Almost three years later he is more than ready to move on. When he started he was a shy little boy ready to learn and explore. Now he knows all of his letters and numbers, days of the week, months of the year, continents and so much more. Most importantly, he has great self confidence and is so outgoing.

Pictured below are the graduating students. Only about 1/4 of them are from Ben's class. The others are morning students and students from the other class. Ben is in the upper left corner.

Mrs. Whitaker was Ben's teacher for all three years at St. Xavier. Next year will be her first year teaching without Benny in her class! We are really going to miss her. We wish that Sophie and Addie would have the opportunity to be in her class.

Graduation consisted of a musical program sung by the students. The kids sung about 15 songs with the help of Mrs. Whitaker and Mrs. Rubash at the piano. Our friends Jennifer, Christian and Taylor came and brought Benny balloons. He was so excited to see them in the audience. We sure will miss our time and friends at St. Xavier. We will miss playing outside everyday after school, and I will miss all of the fun projects that Benny brought home.

I tried to film some of the musical program. Enjoy these sweet preschoolers singing about God and their parents.


The Hubers said...

Congratulations Ben! Love the video Sarah!

Embrace the Circus said...

Wow. I'm torn between congratulating Ben and insisting he cannot possibly go on to kindergarten because I can't allow him to be that grown up. The last time we saw him he was just a baby. He's no baby anymore!

I really, really miss you, friend. I do wish we were nearer.