Last weekend we took advantage of the beautiful Virginia weather and headed to Fort Ward for a Civil War re-enactment. We were looking for a Saturday activity that wouldn't take all day and completely wear us out. Fort Ward is just up the road from us, and Ben loves anything to do with the military so it seemed like a good choice for us.

Fort Ward isn't a very big fort. It was used during the Civil War to protect the Capitol from the South. We were able to walk around and view the various activities going on. The kids watched a cannon firing demonstration, although they never actually fired the cannon. Bummer.
Later we watched a drill by the 5th New York infantry Zouave. Benny loved their red uniforms.
Benny had the opportunity to practice his rifle carrying skills. He loved the one on one attention he received from the re-enactor.
Finally, we watched the 3rd U.S. Infantry perform a skirmish firing drill. This was the highlight of the day! The soldier's used blanks, so they actually fired their weapons. Every time a rifle fired Sophie would exclaim "POW!".
We couldn't leave without a little souvenir, and since Benny loves to dress up and roll play, a Civil War era hat seemed the perfect fit! Although, we aren't sure why he chose one from the South! To his credit, he did chose a Cavalry hat.
More fun to come!
What a fun outing!
Well, he's a Virginia boy for now, so he's just showing his support for the home team. :) Hope we can have an evening play day this week while the guys are in class.
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