We are going a little stir crazy here in the house. Luckily we were able to play outside a little yesterday and also today. Ben has played with every toy he owns, we have made forts, treats, watched movies and colored in the kitchen by the fireplace.
Here are a few photos from the latest storm. We received about 24 inches of snow over 30 hours. School was cancelled Friday (before it even started snowing!), today (Monday), tomorrow and Wednesday. Oh, and due to a mini storm last week, and a four day weekend, Ben only attended school on Tuesday and Thursday last week. We are now 5 days 'in the hole' for snow days, one will be made up on President's Day, the other four possibly on Saturdays, or tacked on to the end of the school year, sending Benny to school until almost July (I'm serious!).
We are expected to have another storm starting tomorrow accumulating another 10-20". Tell me, where will we, or should I more accurately say Nick, put this snow? We have run out of room!!!!
Here is Benny in his 'Snow Fort' or large hole he dug in the snow.

Here is a front view of our townhouse. Notice our narrow driveway and the amount of snow already piled in our tiny yard (if you can call it that!).

Here is the view from our garage before Nick started the big dig out. This photo was taken in the morning before it snowed an additional 6 or 8 inches.

And finally, here is the picnic table on our deck!

We are prepared as we can be for the next storm coming tomorrow. I went to the grocery store to try and refill our cupboards. Unfortunately, they were all out of meat and most produce from last weeks big stock-up pre-Snowpocolypse. I did manage to come up with a few meal ideas as well as picked up staples for the kids. Things may get a little interesting at the Cook household over the next few days, but I know we will survive.
If you have any great ideas to entertain our kids, please pass them on!
Fun to see your pics, too, since we can't get to each others' houses to see what's going on. :-) This morning we brought snow in in a muffin tin and put food coloring in it. That provided a good hour and a half of fun! Though it was a bit messy, so be sure to put down lots of newspaper.
call Oma...........
Hey Sarah! I'll be thinking about you guys while you're all snowed in! Making homemade playdough is really fun and easy. You can find a quick recipe online. It's fun to squish food coloring into it while its all warm. In our house, just moving a toy to a new room, or playing in an unusual room makes things more fun. Playing in the guest room or hanging out on mommy and daddy's bed is always exciting. Also, Sammie loves to pull a chair up to the sink and "wash" her toys. This is one of the few things that keeps her entertained for a good chunk of time. Hope that helps!
Where are you guys at, by the way? Are you headed back to West Point to teach? We are in Monterey, CA and Jim is going to school out here. It was 60 degrees here with the sun shining while we played with chalk on the driveway. Hehe. Not to rub it in or anything...:) Good luck with the storms!
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