The tooth in question had been loose for about 5 weeks. I had no idea it could take that long for the little bugger to fall out. Ben was super excited about it, especially since most kids in his class have already lost their first. He couldn't have been a bigger boy about it. We wiggled it daily, he let us pull on it, but to no avail.
At the end of last week, the tooth was listing from side to side. It would turn sideways. It was just gross! Finally after dinner on Friday night, I told Ben "that tooth just has to come out this weekend. Dry it off, and try to pull on it again." He did as instructed, and out it came with one pull!
He couldn't have been more excited! By some amazing timing, Nick called just at that moment to tell us he was on his way home. Ben told him the news, and then excitedly made phone calls to his grandparents.
Here is a peek at his new smile!

Ben was really intrigued by the idea of the tooth fairy. I had bought him a sweet little tooth fairy pillow at Harrod's in London when he was just a little guy. He immediately went upstairs to dig it out of his dresser.
So glad I got to see this cute grin in person yesterday. Hope you guys get out in the sunshine today!
I love that face.......congrats Ben!
What a milestone! Congratulations to Ben!
(I can't believe what a big boy he is now... here has the time gone?!)
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