Thursday, June 26, 2008

Toga, Toga!

Over the weekend, Nick and I went to a Toga party! It was a first for both of us-somehow I made it through college without attending such an event.

The Triumph was held on Fort Riley at the House of Labournii (Major Laybourn that is), and the host and hostess went all out with this themed party.

Here are bits of the hilarious invitation:

Please dress appropriately! Guests are reminded that is is 32 B.C. so no futuristic fanciful outfits will be tolerated; only tunics, gowns, togas and other appropriate ancient attire. Yes, even barbarians from Britannia, Gaul and Germania are welcome to wear their customary dress.

Tribunes and Matrons only please, as it would offend the Gods if children who have not yet reached their 21st year attend.

To appease the God's, please bring an appetizer or bottle of wine for your sacrifice.

So, we found a baby sitter and hopped online to order some costumes.

Nick went as Mark Anthony, and I as Hera, Goddess of Olympia. I chose my costume since it wasn't slit up to the waist, and had a fair amount of fabric. I hadn't realized all the costumes had become 'sexy'!

Our baby sitter told us we were 'cool' for going to a toga party, and Ben was pretty upset that he was not invited. He does love to dress up. As we were leaving the house, Sophie kept staring at me as if to say "What have you done with my mother?".

Here are two of my friends from our Thursday night dinner club. Angie went as Discordia, the Goddess of Disarray and I'm not sure who Karen was, but she looked very nice. Tom Laybourn made all of the decorations, and was very proud of his columns. Butterscotch the horse greeted guests as they arrived.

Only a few brave soles did not come in costume. The party was a huge hit, and it was apparent that everyone spent much time and consideration on their costumes. There was a wide array of Romans, Gladiators, Senators and Goddesses.

Below, Tom Laybourn, Caesar himself, and Nick pose for a picture. Nick actually came in second for the best men's costume. What a great party idea!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

We named him Teddy, and thank God that he has escaped! Little Pa built Benny and Sophie a sandbox in our backyard over the weekend, and almost immediately Teddy appeared. Benny has never been much for touching slimy things, but he loved playing with this little toad. I'd bet that they played non-stop for two hours in the sandbox, and on the neighbor's swing set. Yup, poor Teddy went down the slide. Teddy also drove Ben's dump truck, and took a little rest in Ben's crocs.

When it was time for dinner, we convinced Ben that Teddy had to remain outside in the sandbox. Thankfully for Teddy, he escaped while we ate. Poor guy, I was beginning to wonder how much he could take.

I'm sure that we will find Teddy or a close relative again sometime soon-that is if we haven't scared the toads off for good!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Farewell, 1-4 CAV

Today, we said farewell to our second tour with "the CAV". This morning, Nick relinquished his Command of Apache (formally Anvil) Troop, 1st Squadron, 4th US Cavalry Regiment. I think it's possible that Nick holds the record for positions held within the same Troop of the same Squadron. Nick has held the positions of Tank Platoon Leader, Scout Platoon Leader, Executive Officer, and Troop Commander all in A Troop, 1-4 CAV. Really, it's just a strange coincidence that Nick took Command of this Troop when it moved from Germany, but it must have been fate! His time with the Troop has really been memorable, and it is bittersweet for us to move on.

Before the ceremony, Nick's commander, LTC Jim Crider awarded him with the Meritorious Service Medal for his time Commanding in 1-4 CAV. Sophie loves to have her picture taken, and as you can see, she is waving to the camera! We were really lucky to have Nick's parents join us for the occasion. Between three adults, we were able to keep Ben and Sophie still for the ceremony. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture taken with all of us.

If you aren't familiar with Army tradition, this was your typical ceremony. The guidon (red and white flag pictured below) belongs to Nick's Troop, and flies wherever Nick is located. It was outside his office while he was at work, and was also in Iraq with him. Here Nick is taking the guidon from his 1st Sergent. After Nick took the guidon, he then passed it to the Squadron Commander who in turn presented it to the incoming Troop Commander. Then the Squadron Commander made some nice comments about Nick. Next Nick made a speech about his time in Command. Finally, the incoming Commander made a few short remarks.

Here is Nick, his Squadron Commander and the incomming Troop Commander, CPT Adkins.

We have so many memories with 1-4 CAV, it will seem strange to move on. But, I know that it is time. We have spent 6 long years (some longer than others) with this unit. Our next unit is going to take us in very different directions, but we are up for the challenge. As Nick said when he closed his speech today, "Apache 6 Out!"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Cute Moments

Sophie has taken an interest in wearing other people's sunglasses lately. We bought her a sweet little pink pair of her own, but she refuses to leave them on. While we were home in Michigan she found this pair belonging to Nick's Aunt Sue. She entertained herself for quite awhile with these.

Doesn't she look beautiful?

Sophie learned how to play peekaboo while we were home. I had yet been able to catch her on film doing it though. Today Nick was able to get her to perform!

Last night the four of us went to a Junction City Generals baseball game. The General's are a semi-pro team here in town, and the games are really fun. They are very family friendly, and we always have a great time. As we were driving to the game, I realized I had forgotten my camera. I figured it wasn't a big deal, because we would probably be going to a game every weekend for the rest of the summer. Boy was I wrong! I missed several cute moments!

While the rest of us sat up in the stands, Benny wanted to be a little closer. He found the perfect seat right up behind home plate. He's a friendly kid and was all smiles as people passed. Eventually the General's mascot came by. Before we knew it, Benny was down on the ground doing push-ups with him. We could see the mascot directing Benny to do things, and then Benny would do them. It was really cute. When the General left, Benny came running up to us to tell us all about it. Nick asked him what the General had told him. Ben's response? "Silly, mascots don't talk, you know that!" What a funny boy!

Ben resumed his seat up close. A few innings later, we saw a young female employee talking to him. Next thing we know, they are climbing up the stands to ask us if Benny could be a guest announcer during the sixth inning! Benny was all for it, and went with the girl back to his seat. She had a microphone with her and they sat right there and announced the inning. She would whisper to Benny what to say and he would repeat it. First, 'Hi, I'm Benjamin, and I'm your guest announcer!" Then he announced each player and their position as they came up to the plate. He even got to yell "Home run!" when the General's knocked one out of the park. Each time after he spoke he would look up at us and smile and wave. He was so excited. It's going to be hard to top that at the General's game next weekend!

Such a cute moment, and no pictures to prove it!

More cute moments to come......

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Michigan Marathon

We have just returned from a two week trip to Michigan, and we are exhausted! Our trip was jam packed with fun and family. We didn't get to do as many things are we had hoped, and we certainly didn't get to see all of our friends, but we came close!

Memorial Day weekend started with Nick and his Dad taking Benny to a parade in Grand Ledge, Nick's hometown. Benny had a great time and proudly came home with a big American flag.

The next day, Nick's brother Matt and his girlfriend Jackie came into town. Along with Nick's parents, we all went to a Lansing Lugnuts baseball game. It was kid's day, so there were many activities for Ben to do. Here he is meeting the mascot, Big Lug!

On Memorial Day, Nick, Matt, Big Pa and Little Pa golfed 18 holes while the girls went shopping. We had a BBQ to celebrate later in the day.

Later in the week, Nick and I took the kids to Potter Park, the zoo in Lansing. We had a really fun day. The zoo is small, but really nice. Ben played on the playground, and Sophie went in a swing for the first time. I can't believe she hadn't been in one before, but by the time she was big enough, it was winter here. Don't let this picture fool you-she really wasn't sure about the swing. I'm not sure she breathed for the first 15 seconds in, but gradually she seemed to enjoy it a bit more. Sophie insisted on walking most of the small zoo. For the first time she also seemed to take an interest in the animals. After the zoo, we went to East Lansing for dinner at El Azteco-our favorite local mexican dive. Nick and I really like to eat there when we are in town.

Believe it or not, our big day continued after dinner. When we finished eating, we headed to a hockey game! Nick's cousin Jonathan plays in a high school league, even though he is in 8th grade. Ben had never seen hockey before, but now proudly declares it his favorite sport! He loved watching the game up close. You should have seen him jump when the players hit the glass!

Friday night was date night for Nick and I! We haven't been on a non Army event related date in over three years! We really, really need to find a babysitter in Kansas! Nick's parents kept Benny for the night, and my parents took Sophie. Nick and I had dinner, did a little shopping and then had ice cream at Coldstone. The best part was that we were able to stay at the Wild Goose Inn in East Lansing. It is this amazing little Bed and Breakfast right next to the campus at MSU.
The next morning we were off again! My cousin Sam, was having his High School Graduation Open House. There we were able to see all of my mom's family. It was so nice for Nick to see them too, as it had been a long while. It was a great party, but somehow I don't have any pictures!
That night we headed an hour south to see my dad's family. My Uncle Gerry was having a retirement party. There we were able to see my dad's large family. Again, we had a wonderful time.
The next day brought us two more parties! A graduation breakfast for Sam, and a Welcome Home Nick/50th Birthday party for Nick's mom, Kim! (Now you know why I haven't blogged in two weeks-we were non-stop busy!)
Here is Nick with the awesome cake we had for the party. He was so busy talking, I don't think he ever had a piece.

Ben stopped playing for a minute to take a quick family photo minus Sophie who was napping.

The party mostly consisted of Nick's very, very large family. Everyone was there, which is hard to believe considering how many people that is. Nick and his brother are 15 and 10 years older than their next cousin. After that, there has pretty much been a Cook baby born every year. Here they all are together, plus Benny and Sophie. By last count there were 13 cousins ranging in age from almost 2 to 30!

Here is another family photo, this time of Nick's parents, Matt, Jackie and our family. This may be Nick's mom's Christmas card photo!

As you can see, we had a very busy two weeks. I didn't get to see any of my friends. Hopefully there will be time for that later in the year. We would love to head home to Michigan later in the summer, but with Nick's new job, we don't know what his schedule will be like.
Thanks to all of our family who made our time home so special!