Monday, May 4, 2009

Sleeping Beauty and Sweet Smiles and Kisses

Our Baby Adeline is a Sleeping Beauty. We joke that it's her self defense mechanism against the chaos of our household. She has some wakeful time in the morning and in the evening, but during the hustle and bustle of the day, she is usually fast asleep. It doesn't help that I have to drive Benny to and from preschool each afternoon. Buckling her into her car seat is the fastest way to ensure that she falls sound asleep. She even sleeps through trips to the grocery store when I put her into the Baby Bjorn carrier. (How else does one make it through the store when you have two little ones? I have to have room in the cart for babies AND groceries!)

She still likes to sleep curled up in a little ball. She doesn't mind being swaddled, but she does prefer to be loose with her arms up in the air. If you look closely you will notice that her legs are pulled up out of the sleeper. When she wakes, she will start crying her absolute loudest because she can't straighten her legs out. It makes her really mad! At nighttime we put her into a gown to avoid this problem.

In the past week or two she really has begun to smile. Now I am certain that she is happy to see us and that her smiles aren't because of gas!

I tried to catch a few of her sweet smiles yesterday. (It's just so hard to get the camera to snap at the right time!)

After taking a few pictures of our smiling girl, I decided to try and catch the smiles of all three kids. This was not an easy task, and after taking about 10 photos, I still didn't get the perfect shot.

Sophie loves for Nick and I to read to her in the chair in her room. I had propped Adeline up in the chair to try and get a cute picture of her, and Sophie decided to join her. Before long, she was hoping in and out of the chair 'reading' Adeline her favorite books.

After reading time was complete, we made some time for kisses.

Don't worry-I'm always just an arms reach away from these two when they are together. My worst fear is that Sophie will treat our real baby the same way she treats her baby dolls. (Which is gentle for the most part, but the babies are frequently dropped or thrown on the floor when she is done with them.)


Kim said...

Oh my gosh, I love it! I think Addie looks a lot like Miss Sophie. Keep me happy, keep posting pictures. Warm hugs. Oma

The Murray Family said...

That video is so cute...listen to Sophie talk!! Haha!! I know it's a lot of work but it's really cute to have 2 little ones, isn't it?? We miss you guys!