Monday, August 24, 2009

Itty Bitty Addie

Our kids have never set any records when it comes to weight and height. They are happy to stay in about the 20th percentile. Sophie even ventured into the 5oth when she turned 2. However, Addie seems content to hang out way down at the bottom. Last week at her check-up, she weighed in at 10 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 23.5 inches long. That puts her in the 5th percentile. So, at five months old, she is just an itty bit!

It worries me slightly that she is so dainty, but I know she will catch up soon. Plus, she is as healthy as can be and is very strong. Ben goes to the doctor tomorrow for his school check-up, and I plan on asking them to re-weigh little Addie. Nick and I have tried at home and think she weighs more like 12 or 13 pounds, but it's hard trying to weigh her on the bathroom scale. The Doctor didn't seem too concerned, especially since Addie has great head control and can roll over both directions. This morning she was even trying to low crawl to a toy in front of her! We are going to try and give her a bottle of formula every day since right now she nurses exclusively. Hopefully we can get this Itty Bit to put on some weight!

For now, we will enjoy our Itty Bitty Addie as she is. When she puts on some weight there will only be more to love!


Kim said...

so much sweetness- can she wear bitty baby clothes???? Hugs Oma

The Cook Family said...

Ha ha! No, she has grown out of Bitty Baby's clothes! When she was first home from the hospital they were the same size!

The Murray Family said...

What an adorable picture!! That dress is so cute and she has the greatest smile!!