Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Enjoying the view

Sophie loves to explore, and she loves to explore in the kitchen. I feel like I spend most of the day chasing her down. One of her favorite activities is trying to make it to Smokey's water to splash! It's great fun. When she sees me coming, she turns on turbo speed in hoping of making is there before I reach her. In the last few days she has discovered the door to the deck. She likes to stand there and look outside. As you may have noticed, she is bare bottomed. We are battling a very resistant diaper rash, and I finally took the nurses advise and let her go naked. It wasn't pretty people, but it could have been much worse. I am not sure if this photo is against blogging ettiquite, but I thought it was cute!


The Murray Family said...

Ha! I love it! Bare bottom kids are always adorable! I can't believe she's that big already. Ian has eaten his fair share of dog and cat food already...it happens I guess.

Kim said...

I love that little butt! Hope it heals soon.........Oma

Mango Mann said...

The video of Sophie is precious. Yes, it will melt Nick's heart. It did ours.

Mom and Dad